Friday, June 26, 2015

I'm shitting rainbows!!!

I apologize for being MIA for a week or so, but changes at work have kept me super busy ( I try to blog during my lunch hour), or I get home late and I'm tired...blah blah blah right?

So this week in American history has been all over the fucking place.  From a total piece of shit mass murderer, who killed people just because they were black, to the Supreme Court finally telling the masses to get over themselves, man the fuck up and accept that everyone can get married.

Really what it boils down to is hate.  This piece of shit asshole (I refuse to give him any credit and use his name) hated a group of people based on their race...stupid right?  People in this country hated a group of people, based on who they choose to love, their ability to get married....stupid right?

I grew up in an incredibly liberal city (San Francisco) where peoples sexuality wasn't an issue.  I had friends who were gay or bi and straight.  It wasn't until I was much older, that I realized not everyone had the same thoughts on the LBGT community that I did.  Didn't every town have a giant Pride Parade?  Didn't every town dedicate the month of June to Pride?  Didn't every town have Naked Sunday??

Since I'm also old and didn't grow up attached to a phone that does everything, and still misses the noise of dial up....I was exposed to hate of someone just because you loved someone of the same sex.  As we are exposed more to the world, I think we tend to stick with like minded people. Case in point?  As I scroll down my Facebook page I see all the glorious rainbows and see everyones profile picture identical.  What it all boils down to is support....and that fucking awesome.

So Happy Pride to all my LBGT friends.  Congrats on being able to have your marriage recognized in the States and I'm ecstatic this happened in my lifetime.

So this Crabbie Chris leaves you with this quote from Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy....

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