Thursday, June 11, 2015

My uterus rejoices that it's never had kids

I'm sure by now you've seen the infamous "Walmart Battle" between the woman in the lark (lazy) and the rude shopper.  If you haven't You Tube, the first half of this video with the volume on and a box of Kleenex, for you will surely mourn the loss of humanity.  What I am going to cover, however, is not the horrendous (if not a tad bit humorous) display of white trash, but the little boy in the video Johnny.

In the first video you hear the mom (in black) yelling at him to punch the woman in the face, not in self defense, but while she had her on the ground already punching her.  The young boy takes turns throwing shampoo bottles at the woman's face, punching and kicking her all while several bystanders hang around, absorbed in the show, making sure they capture this moment. is encouraging this behavior.

At one point, this young boy is told by the crowd of ADULTS, to not throw the bottles and to stop behaving in this manner.  He then approaches the crowd and talks back to them, indicating that he wasn't going to stop and that they can't tell him what to do....even pointing at them while telling them off.  Mom must be so proud....oh wait....she is!

Now I think two grown woman fighting in the shampoo aisle of Walmart is juvenile, white trash but a bit funny.  Would I throw down with a woman in a lark zipping around Target?  No way!  but they are adults and are choosing to be an embarrassment to woman kind everywhere.  What I find disturbing is the manner in which this woman encourages that little boy to not only assault a woman, but to be disrespectful to adults in general.

I'm sure this young boys future is bleak.  If at the age of 6 or 7 by my guess, he finds no fault in hitting, punching and kicking a woman while she is down on the ground, can you imagine how he will treat woman as he matures?  I'm sure the Marion County Sheriff Department will save a cell for him.

Crabbie Chris

Share your thoughts on this fight, or how this boy is abusing this woman in the comments below.


  1. That kid needs the shit slapped out of him.

  2. That kid must be a joy to have in school - not. Parenting at its best ... I was appalled watching that video.

  3. And people are just watching and filming? Not trying to get them apart or calling security? Which is worse - the kid or the bystanders?

    1. my understanding is that particular Walmart didn't have security. I agree the bystanders are too busy filming than helping, however in our sue happy universe, they are also hesitant. One person comments in the video that someone should help, and a female says "they will sue you". It's a sad commentary on society for sure
