Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I guess I'm a lesbian now and want to adopt kids

Well holy shit....Wells Fargo created a new ad showing these women learning sign language.  We follow them learning in class and online then practising their new skills.  As the commercial continues, we learn why.  They are a lesbian couple adopting a deaf child.

We all know being gay is a disease that passes along through casual touching or by sneezing on a surface that I then come into contact with.  (Please people I'm being sarcastic!!)  These are some of the lame ass reasons being given that gay couples should not be seen on TV together.  Can you believe this commercial, and Wells Fargo for creating it, are being boycotted??  IT'S 2015!!

Why not cheer this fictional couple on for wanting to adopt any kid, let alone a deaf one?  What is the reasoning behind saying this couple is wrong?  Because they happen to both have vaginas?  Last time I looked almost anyone can have a kid.  Insert Tab A into Slot B add some Elmers Glue and 9 months later you're stuck with 18 years of child support payments or the kid gets dumped off at a hospital addicted to meth and is abandoned like a puppy at the pound.

So why can't some people in society, I'm talking to you Franklin Graham, get over it?  He's calling for a boycott of Wells Fargo's shareholders to "stop using advertising dollars to promote homosexuatlity, which is a godless lifestyle."

I have full disclosure policy here I'm an atheist, however I grew up in a Catholic household.  To classify two consenting adults, in a loving relationship wanting to adopt a child with a handicap kid as godless?  Well that is totally fucked!  Who is this guy to decide who is fit to raise a kid?  That somehow some crack whore, who opens her legs for a $5 fix and gets pregnant, is fit to have kids because she's straight?  Utter bullshit.

I say bravo to Wells Fargo for showing all the families all 31 flavors of them.

Crabbie Chris