Saturday, June 6, 2015

Welcome to what's between my legs

I'm going to discuss what everyone is discussing the whole Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn Jenner issue.  First off I grew up in San Francisco a very liberal and accepting place.  I often heard it referred as the "Gay Capital of the World" like it was a bad thing?!?  I am a huge supporter of the LGBT community, have friends that are gay and bisexual, and I support their wish to marry.  Do I support Bruce Jenner's transition from male to female?  Fuck yeah I do!

I hear all the lame arguments about her being a freak, how "god" doesn't make mistakes blah blah blah.  First off, why is being transgender a mistake?  If your argument is that having plastic surgery to remove a penis and create a vagina is a mistake, then riddle me this........Why don't you label ALL plastic surgery a mistake?  Fake tits, liposuction, corrective eye surgery, nose jobs, on and on and on.... Why determine that making your outside different (at its very core of the argument) match your inside wrong?

Why a freak?  I think beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.  I personally think a freak is a sick asshole who fucks children is a freak, but if you want to label someone who wants to accomplish their happiness a freak, then go ahead.  If the worst you call them is a freak, well need to get more creative.

The only bad thing about her transition, is that she had to wait 65 years to be comfortable enough to achieve it.  I'm hoping by her sharing her story, younger kids will get the help they need.

I'm sure she's not reading my blog and never will, but I for one think she looks awesome.  I hope she lives many years as a happy woman and that society will stop giving a shit what is between someones legs.

Feel free to comment below.  I will even allow hurtful asshole comments because it's America and I believe you have the right to be wrong.

Crabbie Chris


  1. Yes, Gawd! You just said exactly what I have been thinking. Can't wait to read more, CC!

    1. Thanks Kim. Hope to keep you coming back for more
